
Showing posts from July, 2021

Birthday Wishes!

We would like to wish Joy a wonderful birthday! From good friends and true, from old friends and new, may good luck go with you and happiness too!  - Uli and Chris  

The Little House - Artwork

Here is a wonderful sketch that was made by a young man who happens to be the son of Frank Muir. Frank Muir played the part rival grasshopper expert Dr. Hopper in the final episodes of the series. The sketch was created on location in Corsica in 1970 and is a detailed study of the "Little House" within which the boys created their home. We are told that the house was a real building which existed near Monticello and possibly still exists to this day! We are delighted to receive a picture of this wonderful artwork which was sent to us by Lucy, a dedicated Grasshopper Island fan and granddaughter of Joy Whitby. The young artist signed it "PJ Muir" and can only have been a teenager himself when he completed this wonderful sketch. The original sketch was gifted to Joy and her family after the production. We are delighted to include it on our blog! We feel very privileged indeed! If you are the artist or know anything else about this wonderful little building - we would


Well it's that time of year again. School has finished and kids everywhere dream of fun in the sun with perhaps a trip to a faraway beach for a dip in the sea. Just like Smarty, Toughy and Mouse did all those years ago. With travel still restricted for most of us, we thought it might be fun to take a look at some of the sunny and sandy locations that our trio of adventurers found themselves back in 1970 !  School's out for Summer! Part of the fun of researching Grasshopper Island is discovering some of the little known facts relating to the TV series and the book that accompanied it. One of my favourite scenes is from Episode 2 "The Elderly Boy", when after some time at sea, our bewildered sailors arrive at "an uninhabited island" for the first time. There they are shown climbing great golden sand dunes. There is nothing quite like that feeling as a boy of  spying a giant sand mountain and realising that it is there to be conquered ! Even if with hindsight

Summer Holidays

 Schools are Out ! Wishing a safe and happy summer full of adventure to all !