6. The Little House

As our time on Corsica was coming to an end, we thought it might be nice to re-visit some of the people and places that we had been so fortunate to encounter. The sun was bright in the sky – a welcome sight after some rainy days prior. This particular day had an added significance. It was Uli's birthday – and what better way to celebrate than a hike in the hills. But of course – this hike would have a purpose. We wanted to descend from Monticello and explore the small back roads, to see if we might find our final location – the Little House . To get to Monticello, we first took our favourite mode of transport “ U Trinicellu” – the little train – as far as L'Ille Rousse . On arrival it was fun to retrace our steps along the pier, once again passing the spot where Lupus and Mr. Button disembarked. The site of our very first discovery! From there we strolled along Promenade de la Marinella , an elevated walkway which takes visitors directly to the wonderful beach. It was 10a...